Welcome Facilitators! Thrival Kits™ registration is OPEN and we are excited to have you join the program!
Visit thrivalkits.ca and click on the registration tab to complete the enrolment form! (Please note: we have limited quantities left for registration).
Sign Up for Orientation
Don’t forget to sign up for a virtual orientation session! We want each facilitator to feel wellprepared and confident to implement Thrival Kits™ in their classrooms.
Our last orientation session for the school year will be on Thursday, October 24th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm.
We will host the orientation on Microsoft Teams. Please e-mail us to receive invite details: info@thrivalkits.ca
October Resource Spotlight
Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) is offering a course on promoting positivity and optimism! This workshop outlines ten positive emotions and how they can be included in your day-to-day life. This course is being offered inperson or online on October 22, 2024, from 1:30pm3:30pm.
To register for the in-person course, please click here.
To register for the online course, please click here.