Enrolment is Open!

Welcome back Facilitators! Thrival Kits™ registration is now open, and we are excited for what’s ahead!
Visit thrivalkits.ca and click on the registration tab to complete the enrolment form! (Please note: register early as quantities may be limited).
Attending an orientation session before facilitating Thrival Kits™ is a great way to familiarize yourself with the program and ask questions directly. This 30-minute session will provide you with the necessary tools to make implementing Thrival Kits™ simple and fun!
Sign up for a virtual orientation on the registration form when registering your school for Thrival Kits™. Orientation sessions will be every Thursday from October 3rd to October 24th from 3:45pm – 4:15pm.
Zoom invite details are below:
Dates & Times:
Thursday, October 3rd: 3:45-4:15pm
Thursday, October 10th: 3:45-4:15pm
Thursday, October 17th, 3:45-4:15pm
Thursday, October 24th, 3:45-4:15pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 839 5529 6096
Passcode: 7YnkvQ
For questions about orientation, please email info@thivalkits.ca.
Facilitators may also access the pre-recorded orientation video in the «ENGAGE AND EXCHANGE HUB» POUR LES ANIMATRICES ET ANIMATEURS (https://thrivalkits.ca/) to view when convenient.
Centre for Healthcare Innovation (CHI) Evaluation of Thrival Kits
We would love to share details of the CHI evaluation with teachers, students and promoters of the Thrival Kits™ program. The infographic below highlights the impact of the program on well-being, emotional regulation, hyperactivity, peer relationships, helping behaviors & concern for others.
We encourage Facilitators to take a moment to read, connect and share their thoughts with us through info@thrivalkits.ca.
We are grateful for the teachers and students who participated and shared their experiences during the evaluation process!